Fulcrum Green Polyester Endless Round Sling

Fulcrum Green Polyester Endless Round Sling
Fulcrum Green Polyester Endless Round Sling
Fulcrum Green Polyester Endless Round Sling
Fulcrum Green Polyester Endless Round Sling
Fulcrum Green Polyester Endless Round Sling

Fulcrum Green Polyester Endless Round Sling

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Colors & ratings may vary by manufacturer. The below information is relative to Fulcrum Lifting Roundslings.

Model Number Color Code Body Diameter
(Lbs. per Ft)
Vertical Choker Basket
FPE30 Purple: .62″ .3 2,600 2,100 5,200
FPE60 Green .87″ .4 5,300 4,200 10,600
FPE90 Yellow 1.12″ .5 8,400 6,700 16,800
FPE120 Tan 1.12″ .6 10,600 8,500 21,200
FPE150 Red 1.37″ .8 13,200 10,600 26,400
FPE180 White 1.37″ .9 16,800 13,400 33,600
FPE240 Blue 1.75″ 1.2 21,200 17,000 42,400
FPE300 Orange 1.75″ 1.4 25,000 20,000 50,000
FPE360 Grey 2.25″ 1.7 31,000 24,800 62,000
FPE480 Maroon 2.5″ 2.1 40,000 32,000 80,000
FPE600 Brown 2.75″ 2.6 53,000 42,400 106,000
FPE800 Olive 3.12″ 3.2 66,000 52,800: 132,000
FPE1000 Black 3.62 4.1 90,000 72,000 180,000


We offer a full line of options for any of your applications. When using endless roundslings, you have the ability to rotate hook and load contact points. This helps increase sling longevity.




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